Oakhaven Church Podcast

04.14.24 - Mark VII: Forgiven - Healed - Sent

April 16, 2024 Larry Mudd

As we continue our journey into the Gospel of Mark, we come upon the memorable story of a lame man lowered through the ceiling in order to be healed by Jesus. The doorway was too crowded to get through, and the man’s friends had faith that Jesus would heal their friend; and so they did what had to be done in order to get Him to Jesus. This story functions on so many levels when applied to our lives. We too face barriers to Jesus, whether put there by circumstance or actively erected by the enemy. Like the paralyzed man, we often need the influence and effort of others (buddies), and in turn can be of assistance to others in their journeys. A strong theme in Mark’s gospel is the link between belief and healing, and Jesus announces that the man’s (and his friends’) faith have brought both healing and forgiveness. Having been healed and forgiven, Jesus sends the man home, and the man obeys. Once home we can be certain the man will be as chatty as the healed leper at the end of Mark 1, and there will not be a soul in his town that doesn’t know what Jesus has done for him. We are called to do the same on every level!

To investigate this most important of stories further, go here.