Oakhaven Church Podcast

03.31.24 - Mark V - EASTER SUNDAY - Up from the Grave

April 03, 2024 Larry Mudd

In his Gospel, Mark is careful to lead us to the deep meaning of Jesus’ first spoken words in Mark: "The time is fulfilled. The Kingdom of God has come near. Repent and believe the good news." If all time has been working towards Jesus’ arrival, Jesus’ mortal life has been working towards the climax of His story and ours: the climax of His resurrection from the dead. We are in danger of treating as commonplace the most extraordinary truth of our existence, but instead Jesus calls us to revisit the empty tomb and then examine the tombs of our lives that we have not given over to His resurrection power. The enemy would have us all crawl back in the graves of anxiety and shame, and live defeated, silent lives. The Spirit that raises Jesus from the dead is poised to do the same with us and pull us up out of our graves day after day.

To investigate this most important of stories further, go here.