Oakhaven Church Podcast

4.11.21 - Going to Church XXIX Finale: We're In This Together

April 14, 2021 Larry Mudd
Oakhaven Church Podcast
4.11.21 - Going to Church XXIX Finale: We're In This Together
Show Notes

We bring to a close our months-long “Going to Church” series seeking in part to answer the question “Why should I bother to go to church?” More importantly, though, our deliberate look at several aspects of our life together gives us the chance to be more intentional in our time together, working against a going through the motions and instead finding the living God in our midst: inhabiting our praises; sitting at the table with us; telling us stories of past, present, and future; hearing our whispers, groans, and cries; strengthening us through His Spirit, and through one another; and in so many other ways. Going to church is not about what each individual “gets out of it,” but about being the living, breathing, acting, loving, testifying, witnessing, comforting, encouraging, help you fix your car-ing, help you with some groceries-ing, we’re all in this together-ing Body of Christ

To investigate this most important of stories further, go here.